Fall Featured Drinks & New Store Hours
Check out our Fall Featured Drinks, Pumpkin Season has arrived.
Effective September 3rd we have new business hours. We are now open on Saturdays again. We will have to be closed on occasion due to personal reasons that events may fall on a Saturday that we need to attend. We will post on Facebook when those days may apply. You can easily check out this information by liking us if you don't already. https://www.facebook.com/gosetreadycoffee
We have another change to our open hours - We have shortened our Monday hours to allow us to do all our scheduled deliveries that were scheduled during the day during the week. We will allow our delivery customers to order on-line up to 10 am, then deliver after we close. Another reason for the change is that Todd can now start roasting any time during the day with our remodel changes. We are excited for him to be able to start earlier in the day and not having to wait until we close.
