Sales That Only God Can Do

The last two posts we told you about how God directed us to roasting coffee and how God answered an exact prayer. Now we are going to tell you how He sells coffee.
One day in January 2016, Todd was getting milk from a local farmer who told him "Scott at Lamaker's General Store always want to support local businesses." So off Todd went to the General Store in Kerkhoven, MN. On his way there he prayed that God would put the right words in his mouth to sell Scott coffee. Todd walked in the door....Scott was not there so no sale. Trying to figure out what is going on. Todd stopped at Country Pet in DeGraff, MN for bird seed, where Al Simmonds (the owner) asked how business was going and that he wanted to carry our coffee. He ordered many bags of coffee. God answering prayers in amazing ways and Country Pet is still ordering coffee.
Oh, one week later Todd stopped at Lamaker's General Store and talked to Scott and he ordered many bags of coffee...Thank you God!!! The General Store is still ordering coffee.
Soon after this the ladies from Just uS Boutique in Morris, MN were talking to Leslie and they wanted to resell our coffee. Yes, they too are still selling our coffee.
A triple portion answer to a single prayer.
We want to thank God for the amazing selling that He has done!!!
Oh yes there is more!!! You just have to wait.