Go Set Ready Coffee's History Part 1
Our store has not opened yet, but there is a lot of history to how we got to today.
About two years ago our coffee journey started.
Our story started with reading a book "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson. Mark talks about circling and praying about your dreams. By doing this, it will help you hear from God to what his will is for you and pursuing it. This is an amazing book and we highly recommend everyone read it. After reading it we put up a dry erase board in our home where we would put items that are on our heart. Todd has things that he dreams he wants to do and have. The word coffee is listed there. Leslie has things that she dreams she wants to do and have and she has the word coffee too. (Below is the original word "coffee" Todd placed on his side of the white board.)

We first thought maybe a coffee shop/house with a similar feel as LuLu Beans in Willmar, MN. This is a place we really like. We started pushing in this direction.
In July 2016, we thought about roasting coffee and found a business that sells roasters and would train people. We went and found out roasting was it. Todd roasted several types of coffee from all over the world and fell in love with the process of roasting coffee.
After more prayer and circling the word coffee, we started working on our business plan and we concluded that roasting and reselling our coffee was the way to start with growing our business.
Now after this God REALLY rocked our world. You will need to read the next post!!!